Concept Paper
Program: Enriching Program (Livelihood promotion)
(By enriching rural folk economically, socially and politically)
Objective: To achieve Economic, Social and Political development of rural folk in UP.
Steps: Economic development through dairy and cluster as first step, social through solar light as second step and political through active participation in political activities after getting social training and becoming established social leaders by social work.
1. Conversion of mind set from poor to be rich
2. Inculcation of passions in personalities to achieve goals.
3. Making healthy by consuming complete food-milk available at home.
4. Motivating to learn accounting and management through application to agribusiness.
5. Enriching rural folk economically, socially and politically.
6. Strengthening of community feeling.
7. Cultivation of habits of self-less services.
8. Inspiring to see big dreams.
9. Developing a high ambition.
10. Fruitful usage of ICT like cell phone and net.
11. Learning how to connect rural to urban through marketing.
12. Making self sustainable and independent.
13. Developing social leaders at village level.
14. Development of many Anna in each village to see his village like Ralegaon Sidhi.
Organization set-up:
State Level:
Patron: Prof Kirpa Shanker ( IIT Kanpur- Honorary)
Over all head: Heera Lal (honorary)
Ramesh Yadav : CEO
Prof. Tarun Singh Gangwar-(honorary) community advisor rural marketing.
Prof. Jabir Ali IIM Lucknow( honorary) Strategic advisor
Dr I C Nagar ( honorary) community development advisor
Dr. M. Singh ( honorary) community communication advisor
Ashish Raj ( honorary) SHG development advisor
Head of office- S. Shrama and Himanshu Pandey
District Level: NGOs as change agent
Village level: Head of Nodal dairy (Here village means jurisdiction of a gram pradhan)
How to achieve: Brief description of activities: The state level team will provide all know how required to establish a modern and mechanized dairy to district NGOs. District NGOs will be trained to develop a desired dairy. This will be the first step to develop them economically. Our dream is to establish at least one the most modern dairy in each village of UP which will have a population not less than ten animals. These can be more than one in a village. NGO will co-ordiante, facilitate and do A to Z to see a sustainable set-up. For this, we will educate NGOs persons by literature and site visit. State team will equip the NGOs with writing material what to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annually. They will get input for required management and accounting. After successful development of dairy, they, in turn, will help the villagers in modernizing, updating and enlarging their rustic dairy. Nodal dairy will purchase the produce at nominal profit (profit will not be more than Rs one per liter)
This way nodal dairy at village level has two roles. One is as produce and second as marketer of his village dairy. Same procedure will apply to other products like solar and political products.
Financial mechanism: Nodal dairy will transfer 25 paisa per liter to NGO. NGO will transfer 5 paisa per liter to state office. They will maintain their affairs with this. This can change subject to mutual agreement. To this effect an agreement in the form of a contract will be signed and registered.
Monitoring: State office head will monitor the progress every day with each NGOs electronically in a prescribed format. This format will be developed by state team in consultation with NGOs. The report will be reviewed by CEO. He will share the report with Head. The state head will discuss with core team to reach proper and suitable steps. A weekly meeting will be organized at district and state level. The state head will take a monthly meeting of NGOs. These weekly and monthly meeting will be at dairy locations in villages in rotation. This will increase cohesion among them.
Research: The state team will research the latest knowledge and technology. They will consult NGOs to find local suitability and feasibility. To keep ahead in market, embracing updating knowledge is must.
In every district there will be a research team of top 5 Dairy men. They will research on local issues and bring update inputs from outside. This team will organize site visit to successful case to learn and see the success. This team will act as coordinator and assistant to Nodal NGO and will work under its super vision.
Reward: Each NGO will select the best three Nodal dairy on monthly basis. The best three will be given award annually. The criteria for selection will be prescribed. This will develop a competitive atmosphere in them. And this lead to healthy competition and a race in right direction. The team will work on next product of green energy in parallel to develop them socially.
Wishing you all the best in your productive endevaours to push the National GDP ahead!
ReplyDeleteWhile appreciating your concept I would, with your permission would like to express my concerns with possible solutions in the following paras _
Establishing a modern and mechanized dairy in each village with the least of ten animals is surely a big dream and a great idea but the concern here is the financial viability.
After the viability is met, the next concern is its sustanability, as the profit is the surplus after all expenses, and keeping it to be Re. 1/- per litre seems too high.
The 25 p & 5p formula needs a revisit. For calculation purposes lets keep it at the minimum. Say, 10 animals on an average produce 60 lits a day or 1800 lts a month, with 25 p/lt, is it viable for the households
involved with Rs. 45/- a day surplus and nodal agency to survive its operations for a vilage [with an income of Rs 15/- a day]?
Therefore, it is humbly submitted that in the first step, think of stregthening the existing dairies through value added products; cottage cheese, curd, and then
processed cheese, chese-spread /slices, flavoured milk / flavoured curd / srikhand at a later time, etc.
Another humble submission is that instead of making NGOs the nodal agencies / change agents, think of and capacitate CBOs for the purpose.
Please consider adopting AVID Tools to foster feasibility for smooth and economical operations inlcluding R&D, M&E etc. and to boost viability & sustainability.
My heartfelt compliments for thinking about the NEED [Sustainable livlihood for the poors] and Dreaming Big to facilitate the National Growth.
With warm regards
Aditya Vidyasagar
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