Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Woman Secretary General Of UN

UN must select next SG a woman. UN always talk about gender equality and right representation of women in every walk of life. But surprisingly, it has not a single women SG in its history . Now time is ripe for it. And we have a suitable choice for it too. Helen Clark is heading UNDP in right direction and she fulfills all requirements of SG. Why should we not select her next SG?
Heera Lal, India

A Woman Secretary General Of UN

UN must select next SG a woman. UN always talk about gender equality and right representation of women in every walk of life. But surprisingly, it has not a single women SG in its history . Now time is ripe for it. And we have a suitable choice for it too. Helen Clark is heading UNDP in right direction and she fulfills all requirements of SG. Why should we not select her next SG?
Heera Lal, India